What to Expect

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Initial Consult

Like any medical procedure, you will complete a screening questionnaire and a consent form. This allows us to ensure that you will have the best chance at positive results.

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You will have pictures taken before your first and last treatments so that you can see your progress. The results will surprise you!

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After Care

Our lasers and procedures are safe and effective so there is very little after care needed. In fact, many of our clients come in during their lunch break for treatments and then go right back to work. For our Facelift Laser, you’ll want to use your favorite SPF lotion on your face and chin for 24 hours.

What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

How It Works

Our Laser Lipo process is straightforward and easy. And painless!
Diagram of skin and fat cells and how the laser works

Patented Technology - Exclusive to Laser Lipo of Utah!

There are two parts to a visit with the Strawberry Laser Face Lift:
  • Stage one - a laser light penetrates the skin to selectively target those unwanted fat cells shrinking them with immediate effect, making your face slimmer in just 12 minutes.The best thing is it only feels warm but certainly not unpleasant.A non-invasive miracle that does not need freezing or injections.
  • Stage two - involves a spot fat reduction probe applicator that simply glides over the skin from below the cheek bones to the lower neck.The focused "Spot Fat Reduction Probe" tightens the skin with immediate effect and generates new Collagen. Results continue to improve over the next 12 weeks.A painless, non-invasive treatment that takes less than 10 minutes.


Will it hurt or burn?

  • Absolutely not. In fact, many of our clients will fall asleep during the appointment.

Does it help with stretch marks?

  • Yes, in many situations it will lighten the pigmentation of the stretch marks.

how many treatments does it take?

  • Everybody is different and some respond faster than others. Most clients will book a package of 8 treatments to start.

Is it a permanent solution?

  • This is our favorite question we get. It’s as permanent as you allow it to be. As with any other device (including surgery) if you are not eating correctly and getting an appropriate level of exercise, you will retain and create more fat cells. With a proper level of exercise and a balanced healthy diet the results are incredible and lasting!

What does it feel like?

  • Many clients choose to describe it as a warm blanket fresh from the dryer.

how long does it take?

  • A full treatment is roughly 35 minutes long. Many of our clients visit us on their lunch break.

is it safe?

  • It is absolutely safe and best of all, there is no recovery period! The Strawberry Laser Lipo is also FDA approved.

what actually happens to the fat?

  • Following treatment, the Glycerol is rapidly absorbed by the body. The water carries the free fatty acids through the lymphatic system, liver, and kidneys which will then exit the body through your urine.